Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Why Silence Must Fall.

The Wedding of River Song reveals a Prophesy concerning Trenzalore, which runs thus:

“On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer - a question will be asked, a question that must never, ever be answered”

The Silence exist with one avowed purposed, to ensure that Silence Will Fall - that The Question will be asked is predetermined - like history recording that the Doctor died at Lake Silencio - it's an event which must be seen to happen.

Aren't The Silence supposed to be trying to stop the Doctor by killing him in order to stop him reaching Trenzalore?

The short answer to that being, no. It's entirely misdirection. The Silence - The Sentinels of History as they prefer to be called - are rewriting time, creating a History in which - when The Question is asked - Silence falls. 

This is their purpose. Why they exist. What they were created for.

For this what they actually need to do is create the events which make up the new History they exist to create - based entirely on the bits which composed the original series of events, chopped up, broken apart and stitched back together again in a completely different order.

Think of this like the machines Silence assemble. 

1969 And The Warehouse  

Go back in time to The Impossible Astronaut - the technology The Silence assembled. The parts came from all over the place, much of it alien technology blended with that of contemporary earth at that point in time and, once assembled, made to function in new and mysterious ways.

The Silence themselves  don't actually originate anything. They allow other life forms to originate and manufacture the parts, which they (The Silence) then collect as component parts and assemble into a new configuration.

The different species that manufacture for them, they view in no different way to the component's they programme them to manufacture and produce for them.

All simply parts of a machine of ever increasing complexity and function.

And they do exactly the same thing with time....

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